Results for: baja

West Coast Wind Blog: How Coast Range Gaps and Central Valley pressure gradients shape San Francisco winds

Forecast Jargon Decoder: August 3, 2024 A broad streamer of dense low fog blankets the coast and Central Bay, but it shrinks to a narrow steamer that only impacts the Crissy winds. A rainy Gulf of Alaska storm crushes the North Pacific High’s surface NW winds against the west coast. So the NW ocean winds…

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West Coast Wind Blog: Upper-level events bring on lingering heat wave impacting California winds

Forecast Jargon Decoder: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 BELOW the heat bubble created by a historic lingering heat wave, a tiny eddy off San Francisco sends a narrow finger of up and down upper-teens to low 20’s wind from mid Golden Gate to Brooks Island & Larkspur and maybe 3rd. Ave. Channel. Meanwhile, Arroyo, Pismo and…

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West Coast Wind Blog: Part 1, surface causes of lingering early season eddy off San Francisco.

Mike Godsey Forecast Jargon Decoder: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Despite the deep fog at 7 AM, the winds are already ripping in the SW-facing gaps in the Coast Range and at Point Blunt, Benicia, and Sherman Island. If you glance at a low-resolution model of the Pacific Ocean winds, you might expect strong NW winds…

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