by Mike Godsey So today looked like a pretty routine forecast with a shallow marine layer and a low pressure retracts back to the valley and I expected the pressure gradient to go up up and the NW winds curve in. With the strongest pressure gradient towards Stockton I expected the winds to peak in…
by Mike Godsey About a week ago I mentioned a wayward Cut-Off Low located between Hawaii and Baja up at ≈ 18,000 ft. At the time it looked like it would march towards Northern California and impact the Bay Area. Turn out I was right on. This animation shows the Cut-Off Low as well as…
by Mike Godsey, If you saw my 11:30 AM forecast you know I was not very bullish about the Isla Vista to Leadbetter winds: “IF you see the eddy die by early afternoon there a slight chance of mid to upper-teens for Isla Vista but weaker Leadbetter.” Eddies are always hard to forecast especially…
by Mike Godsey, Anytime you read in the forecast about the North Pacific High pushing a ridge into California north of Pismo you are likely to also read about NNW ocean winds along the Central California coast. And also a mention of northerly wind coming over the ridges and canyons in the area from…
The prevailing ocean winds in the San Francisco Bay Area from spring to fall are usually NW. True the Bay Area gets southerly storm winds at times but that is usually during the winter and early spring. And there are also WSW summer winds. But those winds are usually caused by northerly winds curving inside…
Winter of 2019-2020 vs. the NPH vs the unusual 4 corners high pressure. When it comes to mild winds in the mid to weak upper-teens wind Baja’s East Cape has several wind machines. These include 1. the mild local sea breezes created by the inland valleys. and 2. The mesoscale winds from the cooler Sea…
by Mike Godsey, Part ONE: Applied Meteorology in the times of COVID To reduce the risk of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 shedding the virus in a clinic or hospital most facilities have set outside tents for initial screening of patients who may be positive. On high wind days in the Gorge these tents were…
by Mike Godsey, Usually, in March we have NW wind clearing winds after a storm. But this storm will seem like it will go on for days. The low pressure of storm system is normally steered from west to east by the upper-level troughs and ridges at the 500mb level at ≈ 18,000 ft….
by Mike Godsey, Today’s forecast winds hinge on the holes you see in the satellite imagery below coming over the inland valleys so that heating can produce a local pressure gradient to cause the slightly offshore NNW winds to curve into the beaches.