Author: Mike Godsey

West Coast Wind Blog: Fast transition from southerly eddy winds to strong west blows Santa Barbara forecast

by Mike Godsey, If you saw my 11:30 AM forecast you know I was not very bullish about the Isla Vista to Leadbetter winds: “IF you see the eddy die by early afternoon there a slight chance of mid to upper-teens for Isla Vista but weaker Leadbetter.” Eddies are always hard to forecast especially…

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West Coast Wind Blog: Santa Barbara winds today hinge on location of battle line between N and WNW winds

by Mike Godsey, Anytime you read in the forecast about the North Pacific High pushing a ridge into California north of Pismo you are likely to also read about NNW ocean winds along the Central California coast. And also a mention of northerly wind coming over the ridges and canyons in the area from…

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