A quick look at one of the factors that makes Santa Barbara to Ventura wind forecasting so difficult. by Mike Godsey One of the variables that makes forecasting wind in the Isla Vista to Ventura Southern California zone is the Mid Channel eddy off Santa Barbara. This eddy may form when there the ocean wind west…
North Pacific High lords over the Pacific this Sunday! by Mike Godsey mike@iwindsurf.com This first animation from the blog I posted last Sunday shows the North Pacific High taking a beating from a succession of wintry storms NW of the California coast. So for the most part Northern California has seen weak winds since then….
The plight of the North Pacific High by Mike Godsey It happens every spring. After days of useful NW wind curving into the Southern California and Bay Area coastal windsurfing and kiting sites we enter a long wind drought. At these times wind users may almost feel like buzzards as they await the return of…
No, this is not the title of a romance novel but rather it explains the coming weak wind weekend. by Mike Godsey So after today, Friday 14 the S. F. Bay Area and Southern California will see weak winds while the Gorge has a few days of glorious weather. (Should have said the Gorge was windless,…
Big NW clearing winds for Southern California. by Mike Godsey As you saw in the blog below Southern California had the perfect setup for strong NW winds this weekend. Lots of upper teens to low 20’s or even stronger. Here is a satellite image of what that type of blow looks like: https://blog.weatherflow.com/west-coast-wind-blog-anatomy-of-a-southern-california/
Strong wind day on the coast by Mike Godsey If you look at the iwindsurf.com/ikitesurf.com/sailflow.com wind maps this afternoon for the S.F. Bay Area or Southern California you will be struck by how weak the winds are today. Yesterday a potent storm crashed into Northern California and even today both the Bay Area and Southern California…
Pesky surface ridge and passing storms. Part one. by Mike Godsey “When do we get rid of the North Wind in the Bay area? How about a little blog on this?” C. Jutkins I have received a good number of e-mails like this the last week or so. If you kite or sail in the…
Super Cyclone Debbie by Mike Godsey, Pretty windy in much of the S. F. Bay Area today. But Kerry, one of the Weatherflow Bay Area meteorologist, has family near Airlee Beach Australia and it is really windy in that area today as super cyclone Debbie kept the nearest sensor above 100 knots. Here is some imagery from…
Strong SE storm winds rake the Bay Area…briefly. by Mike Godsey Here some imagery of the rapidly developing and fast dying winds that are currently hitting much of the Bay Area. You can see why I am forecasting these winds to die fast both in the satellite imagery and in the model output.