Makes forecasting very iffy by Mike Godsey, mike AT Take a look at the extended forecast for the Bay Area tomorrow. So what is going on? As you may have noticed Bay Area wind patterns keep changing in last 10-20 years. They are very very different than the stable spring and summer pattern that…
An autopsy of an East Bay wind crash! by Mike Godsey If you were on the water near Pt. Isabel on May 28 or 29th at 3:30PM you remember those days well. If not take a look at this wind graph and imagine what it was like on the water. The job of this blog is…
Maybe the sensor is not broken? by Mike Godsey, mike AT Hi ctuna, You are not the only one to notice the “wacky” San Luis readings. No we have not moved the sensor and there are no new structures near the sensor. But something has changed and that is the Bay Area wind patterns….
Weak winds for Southern California and the Bay Area with eddy woes! by Mike Godsey, Below is the Bay Area forecast for this weekend. Not very promising for most of the Bay Area and Southern California also has little promise for most sites. The following graphic tells the story. Watch the time line and…
NW winds move to the Southern California coast! by Mike Godsey, mike AT The Catalina Eddy is often a wind killer for strong westerly winds on the Southern California coast. But when the North Pacific High’s surface NW winds are especially strong they can blow out the eddy. The forecast for today looks like…
The fate of the Southern California coast winds hinges on the victor and I guarantee that these 2 winds will not kiss and make up! by Mike Godsey Today, May 14, we saw a remarkable battle between two locally strong wind opponents. In this first image from 8AM you can se the strong NW winds…
Huge North Pacific High dominates the pacific. by Mike Godsey Nice marine surge and SW flow underway today! Remember when that used to happen in July? In the top image today (below) you can see the SW flow over the Bay Area that is jazzing up the marine surge. But I want you to focus…
Westerly winds for the Gorge! by Mike Godsey So do you have a boss? Someone who rules a small part of your life? Well if you are a Gorge, California, Hawaiian or Baja kiter or windsurfer the real boss is 2500 miles wide, thousands of feet deep and rules the north pacific in the spring and summer….
Wimpy marine surge retreats and the North Pacific High lords over the pacific! by Mike Godsey, Doesn’t it drive you crazy? So often our forecasts prattle on about weather events happening hundreds or even thousands of miles away or hundreds or thousands of feet aloft. Yet you don’t even care what is happening at sites across…
…As the North Pacific High takes an extended early spring vacation to the south. by Mike Godsey Compare the wind graphs for Waddell, normally one of the windiest spring sites in the Bay Area with Leo in Southern California. Notice have about the same number of windy days. Typically Waddell would have many more strong NW days…