West Coast Wind Blog: by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com The peak of the Baja season is ending with fewer people coming down in March. Meanwhile, I am getting busy doing the Southern California & Central California coast forecasts and soon the San Francisco Bay…
West Coast Wind Blog: by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com Nature always has killers. This porpoise near the Hot Springs had a fatal encounter with a shark. Likewise the fabled reliable wind of Baja’s East Cape often has wind killer lurking to the north and…
Yesterday morning, February 20, even the Portuguese Man-of-Wars were becalmed along with Elizabeth on the Sea of Cortez. It is always amazing how windy it can be one day and so calm the next. After all, you learned in Beach Lore 101 that our winds are created by the pressure gradient produced by inland heating…
West Coast Wind Blog: by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com Years ago when driving the length of the Baja highway was mostly dirt and sand and you carried Jerry cans of gasoline and road repair tools. The scenery was much to same as today but…
West Coast Wind Blog: by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com With a bit of luck Baja’s East Cape had great winds yesterday. Why luck? Because the clouds of the SubTropical Jetstream made a lunge towards us that would have killed the wind if it had happened…
Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com In recent days a huge summer time size North Pacific High has the winds of the Sea of Cortez very mild. But today a weather system passing to the north of the NPH has encouraged a bit of the high pressure to…
West Coast Wind Blog: by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com For the most part it has been a great season for Baja’s East Cape. But now we are in a summer time pattern as the North Pacific High lords over the North Pacific. So summer…
by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com The February 14 Valentine blog talked about overall causes of the unusual southerly winds in the Sea of Cortez. Today’s blog shows a close up of these winds. Now if only that low pressure was closer to us we could…
La Ventana and Los Barriles are famous for their reliable northerly winds and swell. Sometimes those northerly winds from the North Pacific High and high pressure in the 4 corners are strong sometimes mild but always northerly. But a few times each season those venues see weak southerly winds which may get into the foil…
by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me mgodseywf@gmail.com It always seem like magic. Solid winds one day then the next day the sky looks the same from your beach but the winds are much lighter. Both days are sunny and the inland valleys heat but there are…