West Coast Wind Blog: North Pacific High finally makes a move on San Francisco IF Southern California Cut-Off Low moves southward. Mike Godsey May 10, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: Excuses, Excuses… Now a Cut-Off Low + eddy make Bay Area & Southern California forecasting tricky. Mike Godsey May 4, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: Where sails and kites fill is determined by where Eddy Would Go… Mike Godsey April 26, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: How the NPH and convergence aloft helped jazz up our surface NW wind Mike Godsey April 10, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: How winds aloft impact the strength of the North Pacific High and California winds April 9. Mike Godsey April 5, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: 2 North Pacific High’s double-team the California coast! Mike Godsey April 5, 2019
West Coast Wind Blog: Southern California low pressure can bring wind riches or poverty. Mike Godsey March 31, 2019