What does a cold front have to do with NW wind? Yesterday versus Today. by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com How many times have you seen a graphic like this one on the TV or the web? And you many times have you read in our forecasts that “cold front is approaching” etc? You must have wondered…
Video: Sweating bullets! by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com Glad I am not forecasting for the Bay Area today. As you can see Mark is forecasting strong NW winds later this afternoon. But…WTF… the ocean buoys are all seeing NE wind this morning at 8PM!!! Gospel says the ocean buoys show strong NW wind prior to strong…
Using the models. by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com There are 2 problems for using the computer model forecast tables you see all over the web for isolated areas like PSC. 1. None of the models for that area “see” the local thermal wind so you have to add a fudge factor to the models wind velocity….
Powerful NW winds March 30th give way to SW storm wind tomorrow. by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com In this video notice how the North Pacific High is being distorted into a dumb ball shape by the storm dropping towards California from the Gulf of Alaska . Today that storm is pressing the North Pacific High’s surface NW winds towards the California…
Why Southern California strong WNW winds and Bay Area unreliable SW winds. by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com Ever wondered exactly what North Pacific High looks like? Well today in this video of model output the North Pacific High is hard to miss. It is that massive dome of high pressure air between Hawaii and Baja. Note how the wind…
Wind folklore says strong NW clearing winds follow a storm: Not this time! by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com At 9AM today, March 25, the edge of the storm system you see in this vide0 is passing over Bodega Bay in the San Francisco North Bay. In this video animation from 8AM today you can see the counter-clockwise…
Video: Why are the NW winds fading each passing day? by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com The last few days I have been mentioning in the forecast the storm arriving this Sunday. As this massive puppy moves westward into the Pacific Northwest and Northern California it has been pushing the North Pacific High against the California coast…
How can the pressure gradient be so massive and the bay winds so weak? by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com Benjamin is forecasting a massive .25 inch pressure gradient today from SFO to Winnemucca, NV and there powerful winds roaring just west of the ocean buoys today at dawn. So why is the wind forecast for the Bay Area for weak winds? First let’s look…
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One high pressure creates 4 different wind patterns by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com Looking at the video animation to the right you can see strong winds pouring out from high pressure in the Great Basin and 4 corners regions of the USA. To the south note the fame El Norte winds of Baja’s Sea of Cortez. To the…