North Pacific High’s surface NW winds retreat to the south. by Mike Godsey, Think how often in the spring and fall you see words like ” North Pacific High’s surface NW winds retreat to the south in the face of an inbound upper trough”. Words to that effect have in the forecast the last several days. As you…
Northern California deprived of NW wind while Gorge lacks high pressure for the duration. by Mike Godsey, Funny how we take things for granted. Each year around late September the NW wind gradually becomes weaker and less reliable and by late Oct. it is often only a memory. The Bay Area has the most reliable winds on…
Imagery of hurricane by Mike Godsey, Hurricane Odile made landfall Sunday night as a Category 3 storm near Baja Sur’s Cabo San Lucas with an estimated intensity of 125 mph. Initial reports of extensive damage to some resorts but no loss of life. No reports yet from La Ventana and Los Barriles on Baja’s…
Bakes the region creating strong but UP AND DOWN coast winds by Mike Godsey,
The Heat Bubble: to much of a good thing. by Mike Godsey, Several years ago Southern California had an intense heat wave that produced thermal trough (aka “heat bubble”) issues that got so strong that they even impacted Cabrillo rather than just Belmont to Seal. This blog and imagery will give you some insight into the sometimes weird winds…
The death of the SW flow. by Mike Godsey, The large video shows the pattern that has created the small surface counter-clockwise spinning eddy west of the Bay Area. As you know the North Pacific High normally brings strong NW winds to the Bay Area coast in the spring and early summer and then modest NW wind in the summer…
If the climate is not changing then something is……. by Mike Godsey,
End up being sucked into Hurricane Marie by Mike Godsey, Are you are a coast or Coyote and 3rd. Ave. sailor hating those SW eddy winds? Want to get even? Watch this video from 10AM today to see those dratted eddy winds get chew up by Hurricane Marie. Unfortunately the hurricane helps distort the…
So southerly flow continues. by Mike Godsey, If you are a coast sailor or kiter or your home waters are adversely impacted by SW flow you are probably wondering what is going on this summer. And the forecast geek talk about counter-clockwise spinning surface eddies and 850mb lows over the Bay Area does not…
Big winds likely for the Gorge starting tomorrow. by Mike Godsey, Video #1 Winds at ≈ 18,000 ft. Today, Monday August 18: The Gorge has only low teen winds today . Looking at the video find the Gorge and notice the counter-clockwise spinning winds of the Cut-Off Low over Northern California. Then note the powerful WSW winds north…