..A Combo of low pressure in the Great Basin and turbulent NW winds just aloft. by Mike Godsey Check out the headlines in Kerry’s forecast and the details in the text. This is a pattern we see frequently in the spring where the normal moderate NW clearing winds become very strong but also extremely up…
Ventura fire, Gorge, Bay, SoCal, Baja winds! by Mike Godsey Today we are seeing unusually strong late easterly winds over much of the west coast from the Gorge to the Sea of Cortez. These winds are stirring unusual late season fires in Southern California. Kerry, our forecaster who lives near the Ventura fire but is…
Because Planning, Swell Size, Fades, Directions… by Mike Godsey, mike@iwindsurf.com How to use the Viento sensor: 1. Most days the winds build at Viento before reaching the Hatch, Swell, Event Site launch sites. So the Viento sensor gives you an early hint for planning your day. 2. Likewise a mid day fade at Viento often…
This satellite imager from dawn to dusk Oct. 12 gives you a feeling for the scale of the tragic North Bay fire. Mike Godsey MikeATiwindsurf.com
2 factors make it unlikely much of that wind will reach into the San Francisco Bay Area. by Mike Godsey, mike AT iwindsurf.com Take a look at the powerful NW winds in the mid 20’s to low 30’s at the ocean buoys predawn today when I was doing your forecast. Then look at the…
Central Valley thermal low over Bay so glassy AM and weak PM winds. by Mike Godsey, mike ATiwindsurf.com Check out the reflections at Pt. Diablo in my banner above and the reflection of the south tower of the Golden Gate this morning. It is rare to see such calm conditions even in fall. It is…
Up and down winds at Pismo while locations nearby rip! By Mike Godsey Don’t you hate it when the wind forecast is full of wishy washy “ifs” and “maybes”! Today forecast was a classic weasel word forecast: “Now at 11:30 AM Southern California looks on track as does San Diego. The Pismo forecast hinges on the NE…
Powerful easterly winds rip Rooster Rock. by Mike Godsey, Mike AT windsurf.com We have already seen one strong east wind event this fall and that event had devastating consequences for the Eagle Creek fire causing it to sweep from Eagle Creek to almost the outskirts of Corbett. As you can see in Ben’s forecast for today…
Makes Piedras Blancas sensor read low while accelerating the Arroyo Laguna winds by Mike Godsey, mike AT iwindsurf.com Mike As you work to understand the central coast winds, I thought You might be able to explain the winds the last couple of days at Arroyo Laguna. If you look at the 11am to 3pm time…
“Smoke on the water” is a phrase that normally brings excitement to Gorge sailors & kiters… but not this time! by Mike Godsey, mike AT iwindsurf.com Below is a map I prepared using our weatherflow.com sensor data and a fire map from the Incident Management Team 2. Note that the most catastrophic fire expansion happened…