The NRL product still has some advantages. by Mike Godsey, mike AT The new GOES 16 satellite imagery has great tools and higher resolution compared to the old GOES 15 satellite. However, as you can see in the 2 images below from this morning, The Monterey NRL, through the years, has tweaked the GOES15…
Huge upper high pressure covers west coast by Mike Godsey,mike AT Take a look at these NWS technical discussions for the coming days for the Southern California, The Gorge and the San Francisco Bay Area. All three mention high pressure as the cause of the continued and building heat. Sometimes it is confusing when the term high pressure is…
Convection threatens Southern California coast winds by weakeningpressure gradient to deserts. by Mike Godsey, mike AT July 18 a massive fast developing convective system in Arizona was moving towards the Southern California deserts. Issued a warning that the associated clouds could spoil the pressure gradient needed to help the coastal winds. It turned out that most of…
First check out part one of this blog: “Creation of a “Mega Eddy” The huge eddy that expanded from Southern California reached the Bay Area today, June 24, 2018, making for some of the strongest southerly winds in recent history for June. I will be working on this blog tomorrow. But below are a bunch…
Expect southerly eddy winds from Baja to Northern California. by Mike Godsey This is a rough draft but I wanted to get this imagery out to you ASAP. Most models agree that an unusully “mega eddy” pattern develops along the west coast form Baja Norte to north of Bodega Bay this Sunday. This will bring southerly winds to all of…
Hot weak winds to cool blasts of wind! by Mike Godsey, This blog will let Crysta’s extended forecast and the imagery tell the story. Be sure note the position of the low pressure in Columbia Basin and the distribution and packing of the North Pacific High’s isobars.
Strong winds for Southern California… but where, coast or interior?: by Mike Godsey, As you follow the Southern California forecasts you probably find yourself looking forward to the words “strong pressure gradient to the Great Basin” Maybe it does not make any sense how a place so far away from the Southern California coast can…
Delight for many at sites North of the Bay Bridge but despair to most sites to the south. by Mike Godsey, The banner image above looks all to familiar this year to those who kite or sail the waters of 3rd. Ave. All to often strong NW wind days found unfavorable light…
What it means for today’s winds in Southern California, San Francisco Bay Area, California coast, Baja and The Gorge by Mike Godsey, Today the North Pacific High is the master of the eastern Pacific from The Gorge to Southern California to Baja to Hawaii. All of these venues will have winds today that are mostly…
The Gorge Roars while AM eddies rule in the Bay Area and Southern California. by Mike Godsey So on a day like today if we had only ONE wind forecast discussion for the entire west coast it might read like this: “A large North Pacific High spanning the waters from the west coast to N….