by Mike Godsey, Indecisiveness I have inserted my forecast for today June 11 in this image so that you can see the indecisiveness in my forecast. The reason for this is that the San Francisco Bay Area is right intersection between 2 massive weather systems. First let’s take a close up view first to see the forecasting…
by Mike Godsey and Matt Sounders Have you ever noticed that meteorologists are usually pretty accurate about the temperature and the amount of sunshine but are so often way off when it comes to wind? Look at this graphic of the weather projections for today Sunday, May 28 by 10 major computer models for Treasure…
Sometimes pictures tell the story better than lots of words. Usually, in the San Francis Bay Area, Central Coast and Southern California the winds are very different at different sites but today almost every site sees stronger than typical winds. Take a look at the model forecast for the Bay Area today at 4 PM….
Until 25 years ago summertime eddies off the Golden Gate were uncommon. Since then these counterclockwise air masses have become increasingly common and some summers they are a dominant force in determining the wind distribution in the Bay Area. This increasing eddy pattern is associated with the increasing frequency of the North Pacific High developing…
Last week there was somewhat atypical weather and winds for the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California and the Columbia River Gorge. The Gorge saw very frequent blue skies and warm dry air plus westerly winds. Southern California saw many days of strong NW wind that curved into the coast. While San Francisco saw a…
Many coastal locations around the world have weak morning land breezes that blow from inland towards the ocean followed by local sea breezes that blow from the sea towards the land. The AM winds are caused by the land cooling overnight making for denser high-pressure air compared the warmer air over the water. Then as…
This La Nina year has brought exceptional winds to Baja’s Sea of Cortez. Typically the winds in the El Sargento Los Barriles zone is an everchanging mixture of northerly winds from high pressure in the Great Basin and the local sea breezes generated by heating in the local inland valleys. And the only role of…
Yesterday, March 22, saw strong winds in the El Sargento to Los Barriles area. These wind developed as the North Pacific High created a solid pressure gradient down the length of the Sea of Cortez. Today the North Pacific High is in the same location and same strength and continues to send strong northerly wind…
So for days, my Baja forecast has been calling for very strong winds Sunday, Dec 13, 2020. But as the date finally arrived I was only calling for upper-teens to low 20’s for the La Ventana to Los Barriles area. Why? Well the expected high pressure developed in the 4 corners (where all the USA…
The Baja’s East Cape kiteboarding and windsurfing sites Los Barriles and La Ventana have seen almost 2 weeks of great wind. But on December 9, 2020, those winds came to a grinding halt. This occurred as 2 low-pressure systems blocked both of the Baja wind machines. In this animation of both satellite imagery and model output,…