by Mike Godsey, Link to daily Baja forecast Very mild steady winds Tuesday but Wednesday winds build up a notch as the North Pacific High buds of a high pressure that moves towards the 4 corners by Thursday. While some models say only mid-teens for La Ventana Wednesday this model captures the effect of heating…
by Mike Godsey, Link to daily Baja forecast Sometimes really big El Norte winds are crazy gusty. Other times they are just mildly gusty. There are 2 basic reasons for gusts. 1. Surface wind flowing around or over mountains and points often becomes turbulent creating eddies and waves that your wind or kite experiences as…
by Mike Godsey Until this last decade, El Norte winds from the 4 corners region used to be the sole source of strong winds in the Sea of Cortez. These winds have a mostly NORTH direction which makes them side-onshore winds relative to most Sea of Cortez beaches. This means the wind do not need to…
Find the 2 “L’s” in this graphic. Those are the centers of the storm that is dumping rain and snow on California. So, why should you care? After all you came to Baja’s East Cape to get away from rain and snow and they could not possibly impact you in your winter wind refuge. Wrong! Looking…
by Mike Godsey, Link to daily Baja forecast Mild wind set up today as bullets 1-5 show in the image below. But more importantly these 2 photos from last night and dawn today remind us there is more to life in La Ventana than wind. But look carefully in the upper left corner between Eureka,…
Find the 2 “L’s” in this graphic. Those are the centers of the storm that is dumping rain and snow on California. So, why should you care? After all you came to Baja’s East Cape to get away from rain and snow and they could not possibly impact you in your winter wind refuge. Wrong! Looking…
by Mike Godsey In past decades the North Pacific High’s average position in the Pacific varies seasonally as you can see in this first graphic showing its average monthly location over 43 years. In January the NPH is small and typically well west of Baja. Then as spring develops the NPH slowly migrates northward while enlarging….
by Mike Godsey We are moving into a weird pattern starting late Thursday or more likely Friday. Looking at the Surface Winds Friday you will notice that there are strong El Norte winds for the northern Sea of Cortez and also in the Cabo area south. But there is a suspicious “Weak Wind Zone on…
by Mike Godsey Check out this imagery. First, notice that almost every sensor in the greater Bay Area is being hit by powerful winds. And in the wind graphs notice the extreme Up and Down conditions as mentioned in my forecast. Also notice how the radar imagery shows heavy rain all the way from our…
by Mike Godsey I am going to let the modeled weather imagery tell most of this story. The first image shows the very powerful SSW winds created in the San Francisco Bay Area by a storm centered about 700 miles west of the Columbia River Mouth. What this image does not show is that…