But be extra nice since there is a thread of hope!
Bottom Line: Local easterly thermals sub to low-teens. Baja Sur Pacific side has faint winds but strong Punta San Carlos, Baja Norte winds.
A Xmas story: Uh oh! Someone messed up Santa’s Naughty or Nice equation. It was probably a windsurfer, since for Xmas their wind sock get a lump of coal. And even wingers and kiters only get thin gruel winds.

Wind Recipe: 1. High-pressure drifts into Idaho so winds concentrate in the Great Basin.
2. Low-pressure, usually south of Cabo, balloons over the entire Sea of Cortez destroying the large-scale pressure gradient.
3. Snowy skies, excuse me, Sunny skies allow Coastal Valley heating creating a local pressure gradient but without the large-scale winds the wind is sub to maybe low-teens and more easterly.