West Coast Wind Blog: Old North Pacific High fades while new NPH develops WeatherFlow Forecaster August 26, 2015
West Coast Wind Blog: Monsoonal moisture and clouds coming over Southern California. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 25, 2015
West Coast Wind Blog: Video of elongated eddy spoiling coast & Peninsula winds in Bay Area. Plus the NPH just will not settle down. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 22, 2015
West Coast Wind Blog: Dissection of how the Gorge wind goes from MILD to WILD. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 18, 2015
Upper level high pressure creates surface low pressure… what is happening here? WeatherFlow Forecaster August 16, 2015
Cut-Off Low ejects over next 24 hours and Gorge and Bay winds improve. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 13, 2015
Low pressure systems break Gorge wind machine… then good news and bad news. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 11, 2015
Low pressure system & Cold front holds NPH’s NW winds near Bay Area coast. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 9, 2015
Surface eddy has support all the way to a jet stream low pressure. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 7, 2015
Gorge winds fade as upper trough/upper low push NPH away from our coast. WeatherFlow Forecaster August 6, 2015