If you look at the ikitesurf.com/iwindsurf.com sensor at Sorobon Beach on Bonaire and click on the Archive link the wind graphs will confirm what you have probably noticed. The easterly trade winds have been a bit weaker than usual in recent days.
Most of the wind in Bonaire comes from the North Atlantic High Pressure, also known as the Bermuda or Azores high pressure. This clockwise rotating mass of wind creates the Caribbean’s easterly trade winds.
In recent days, the high-pressure has been a bit further north than usual, hence our lighter winds.
The easiest way to track the high pressure is using windy.com on this page. However, those models are too low-resolution for a really good local forecast. For a higher-resolution model, go here!
You can get real-time wind information from our iwindsurf.com weather stations on this page.
If the only site you are interested in is Sorobon, you can access that sensor free here.