By Mike Godsey

The La Ventana & Los Barriles launch site wind forecast for the current day can be found on or

Forecast: Muy tranquilo. Good Fishing then good Paragliding and decent foiling with big wings and skill for Rasta Beach.

Note: During mild EASTERLY WINDS, the best paragliding is in the area in the Rasta Beach to near the Hot Springs.

The higher bluffs and topography make for stronger uplifts, while the wider beaches and lack of power lines make it safer. 

Northerly winds die as low-pressure develops in the Four Corners to the northern Sea of Cortez.

This sets up a weak S. to N. pressure gradient, so faint southerly winds for most of the Sea of Cortez.

These southerly winds turn easterly at La Ventana and El Sargento to Rasta Beach since they have a local pressure gradient to the huge Los Planes Valley inland.