Now at 9:23 AM an un-modeled counter-clockwise spinning eddy has suddenly developed WSW of Bodega.
This eddy is creating southerly wind on the coast from Half Moon Bay northward. At this time it is also directing a broad streamer of fog from the Golden Gate towards Pt. Isabel. You can see all this in this imagery from 9:23 AM today.
Note how normal NW winds continues at the San Francisco ocean buoys while the Bodega ocean buoy winds is disrupted by the eddy.
I will be watching this eddy this morning since if the eddy stays intact its SW winds will focus the strongest winds will be SW and towards Point Blunt. But if the eddy mostly fades the winds will be more WSW and the strongest winds will be closer to Treasure Island.
Unless the eddy dies completely in the next 6 hours the winds inside at 3rd. Ave. will sometimes have a WSW component coming from the Hwy. 92 Gap and be less reliable compared to the WNW winds in the channel.
Watch the satellite imagery for the fate of the eddy and all the coast sensors from Bodega to Half Moon Bay to fine-tune my forecast.
Late today… Watch carefully as eddy moves for west of Bodega to near the Golden Gate so its winds turn from SW to WSW and shoot a streamer of fog towards Treasure Island and Berkeley jazzing up the wind