Note: Despite the AM glassy waters use caution fishing and kayaking near arroyos since there is a chance of random strong WEST wind blasts.
Bottom Line: Sub to maybe low-teens near arroyos as strong westerly wind hitting the mountain tops sometimes comes down the arroyos where it disrupts the weak E to ENE surface winds.
Today’s Wind Recipe: Lots of ingredients in today’s recipe and most of them are Basura.
1. A long expected upper low at ≈ 18,000 feet aloft is centered over Baja Norte.
2. This stirs up a surface low-pressure in that area causing strong unfavorable winds for the northern Sea of Cortez.
3. This low causes west winds just aloft over the Rasta Beach, La Ventana and Los Barriles.
4. This west wind may sometimes descend to the surface near mountain arroyos that extend to the
5. Meanwhile, blue skies in our Coastal Valleys create low-teen NE winds near the beaches.
6. Turbulence from the W. winds aloft make the beach winds variable and unreliable.
7. Left out of the recipe today is another wind killer to our south.
La Ventana Area: Sub to maybe occasional low-teens NE winds will be unreliable especially if you feel W. wind near arroyos.
El Sargento to Rasta: Sub to maybe occasional low-teens NE winds will be unreliable especially if you feel W. wind near arroyos.
Los Barriles: Sub to maybe occasional low-teens NE winds will be unreliable especially if you feel W. wind near arroyos.