by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me We are not the only critters that travel using the Sea of Cortez winds. These ocean-going gastropods (snails) use their air bladder to stay afloat but also to ride the wind. Like us, they sometimes make poor decisions and…
by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast Questions about the forecast: Mail me Yesterday, I mentioned that moderate to strong El Norte winds were likely today. However, with my extremely slow internet connection I can often can not look at all the variables. Now in this inky predawn the satellite shows some…
by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast TODAY and TOMORROW in 2 images. TODAY: TOMORROW!
I am sure that at 10 AM yesterday everyone who reads this forecast in La Ventana and Los Barriles were convinced that all my caveats about clouds spoiling the upper teens to low 20’s forecast were correct. The waters were calm and clouds everywhere. But like magic the skies mostly cleared for La Ventana and…
by Mike Godsey: Baja daily human forecast How to use our NEW RASTA BEACH SENSOR north of El Sargento! This is what I call a combo day. All of the factors that make wind for Baja’s East Cape are weak. But they act in concert and COULD bring a moderate winds day. BUT… As this…
by Mike Godsey How to use our NEW RASTA BEACH SENSOR north of El Sargento! Common sense would suggest that after such strong northerly wind Friday today would be at least a moderate northerly day. As usual common sense is wrong. Instead, we are likely to see mild SE winds. In science, it often helps…
by Mike Godsey, Link to daily Baja forecast My forecast barely came true yesterday for La Ventana and Los Barriles as blue skies appeared and the forecast winds briefly moved from the outer water wind line to the shore. Look carefully at this satellite imagery from about 10 am yesterday and you can see the…
by Mike Godsey, Link to daily Baja forecast 9 AM update with satellite imagery of today’s clouds at bottom First, the good news! Due to the generosity of John Salow and some work on his and my part and the support of the great folks at Kitesurfing Planet the network has added a beach…