By Mike Godsey

by Mike Godsey,

After having a near miss from a tropical storm and receiving heavy rain Baja’s East Cape is now in a wind drought. But this model animation suggests that the low pressure over the western USA will depart eastward later this week and El Norte winds build.

Watching the animation first find La Ventana and Los Barriles. Then note the time stamp at the bottom. Notice the huge low pressure over the western USA and the strong southerly storm winds off the California coast.

Now check out the weak southerly wind in the Sea of Cortez. All this southerly wind is created by that huge low pressure system.

Now check out the isobars of the equally huge North Pacific High way out in the Pacific. Remember that the closer the white isobar lines are to each other the stronger the pressure gradient and the resulting wind.

Now watch as the North Pacific High moves eastward and helps form a high-pressure area near the 4 corners where all the square states meet.

Notice how  this cause the isobars over Baja’s Sea of Cortez to stack up. The green to yellow color shows the building El Norte winds. Now all we need is lots of sunshine in the Baja’s East Capes inland valleys to suck those winds to the beaches and create local sea breezes to augment the El Norte winds.