By Mike Godsey

 SW flow fades, NW wind ramps up

by Mike Godsey,

The Bay Area has seen several day of SW flow and the waters from Treasure Island northward to Sherman Island have rocked with southerly winds in the low to even upper EddyDiesNWwindReturn20’s. A major factor in these atypical marine surge winds was a large eddy that first formed south of the Golden Gate and gradually moved up the coast. Today, Sunday June 28 will be the last day of this SW flow.

Why? Well beyond creating southerly flow along the coast and inside the bay the eddy has also been pushing the North Pacific High’s NW winds far away from our coast. As the you can see in the is video as the eddy dies the NPH’s NW winds are able to slide eastward towards us. This means that site like Waddell, Coyote and 3rd. Ave. which have been largely wind deprived will see the NW wind curving in as NW to WNW wind.