By WeatherFlow Forecaster

bay3 West Coast Wind Blog

NPHdeathBirthLast week in my blog I made a tentative guesscast that strong NW wind would return this coming Sunday. I am sticking to my guesscast with winds beginning to build late this coming Saturday and peaking Sunday & Monday.




In the top image you see the pacific as depicted by the GFS model yesterday. Note the NPH in a crazy position for May in the Gulf of Alaska. Also note how tiny it is compared to its normal size spanning the pacific from California to Hawaii.




Looking carefully you can see a vague clockwise spinning mass west of Southern California there a new NPH is building.



In the second image the old NPH is clearly dying. Notice the counter-clockwise spinning wind of a storm tracking towards the Pacific Northwest.


The big news for California is the increased bulk of the new NPH west of Southern California.



Also note how the storm is becoming disorganized.







In this third image note how the new NPH has bulked up and is now sending strong NW wind near the Southern California coast.












In the next 2 images you can see the North Pacific High make a move on the California coast.








So I expect NW wind to ramp up fast Saturday night and continue to build Sunday and Monday.